
Company Profile

RMW Beteiligungsg.m.b.H. is an Austrian holding company whose primary objective is to buy and manage stock in other companies with a view to increase their value. The company is chaired by Ronald Westermayer, who is also the main shareholder.
23 years of experience in leading management positions in the chemical and ceramic industries built a solid foundation on which the company has grown since 2001. We invest in medium-sized producing companies, generally aiming at an equity interest of over 75%.


Currently the company holds the following participations

heatING with history - customized kilns and heat engineering facilities

Specialist for the development and production of technical ceramics designed for use in highly challenging environments


RMW Beteiligungsg.m.b.h.
Maireckergasse 8
1230 Wien
+43 664 3401628